Server Side Synchronization for Synchonizing Data with Dynamics CRM
Key Technologies: Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online, Exchange Online, Outlook 2013 Introduction 1. Server Side Synchronization(SSS) is setup for Email processing between Microsoft CRM Online and Exchange Online within Office 365. 2. Appointments, Contacts and Tasks in CRM can also be synchronized using SSS. Pre-Requisites An Office 365 user must have the following licenses to setup … Continue reading Server Side Synchronization for Synchonizing Data with Dynamics CRM
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Powerful DAX CALCULATE() Function
The CALCULATE function in DAX is the magic key for many calculations we can do in PowerPivot. Below is the syntax: CALCULATE( <expression>, <filter1>, <filter2>… ) The expression that we put in the first parameter has to be evaluated to return the result (i.e. a value, not a table). For this reason, the expression is … Continue reading Powerful DAX CALCULATE() Function
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Connections migration in CRM Online through Scribe Insight
Key Technologies: CRM Online, Scribe Insight Note: This article assumes understanding of CRM Online entities and relationships. Knowledge of Scribe insight tool for data integration. For more information on Scribe Insight refer Connections can be used to define the relation between the two entities. You can have an account related to any contacts. With … Continue reading Connections migration in CRM Online through Scribe Insight
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Dimensions Group AX 2012 R3
Inventory dimension are used to determine physical characteristics of product, storage of products well as track inventory transactions for product. There are three type of inventory dimension group 1. Product Dimensions: Product dimensions are characteristics that serve to identify a product variant. The following table shows the storage dimensions that are available. > Size > … Continue reading Dimensions Group AX 2012 R3
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Project methodology to run a mid-size CRM Project successfully
A CRM project of 3 to 6 months’ time is a good medium sized project, a medium scale organization looks for. It allows them to do proper resource allocation and extend their horizon to showcase their talent to bring out the best from the venture. But, this needs to be handled well with a full … Continue reading Project methodology to run a mid-size CRM Project successfully
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UCC SAN SSL Certificate–GoDaddy/Azure
Introduction Adding sub-domain to UCC SSL 5 certificate and revoking existing SSL Certificate. Problem Statement: We have sub-domain called hosted on windows azure. associated with SSL binding but that SSL is expired and we want to revoke that certificate and add it to UCC SSL 5 certificate from Go-daddy. => We have … Continue reading UCC SAN SSL Certificate–GoDaddy/Azure
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Resolving Time Zone Issue in PowerPivot
Key Technologies: Power BI, PowerPivot, Business Intelligence Note: This article assumes experience on PowerPivot for Excel 2013/2010 Many a time data needs to be imported and processed from systems belonging to different locations and hence having different time zone. For example, consider the following scenario. A user residing in India having IST time zone might … Continue reading Resolving Time Zone Issue in PowerPivot
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Attachment and Task migration through Scribe Insight
Key Technologies: Scribe Insight, CRM Online Note: This article assumes experience on Scribe Insight for Data Integration/Migration and understanding of CRM Online Sources: CRM, Salesforce TASK Activities like Tasks need to be migrated and linked to an entity (Account, Contact, Lead, Opportunity and so on). For storing the GUID from CRM, perform a seek step … Continue reading Attachment and Task migration through Scribe Insight
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Activity Party Migration using Scribe Insight
Key Technologies: Scribe Insight, CRM Online Note: This article assumes experience on Scribe Insight for Data Integration/Migration and understanding of CRM Online For all the Activities like Email, Letter ,Fax ,Phone Call etc. we need two packages to be set up a: Activity Entity to Activity Entity (Eg: Email to Email) [with Status= Open] b: … Continue reading Activity Party Migration using Scribe Insight
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How to expose a field from a table NOT present in the AOT Query for an AIF service
1. To create an AIF service using Wizard, we are supposed to prepare an AOT query containing the tables with proper relations. 2. Once we generate the AIF Service using Wizard, the AxBC classes gets generated for each table present in the AOT Query. 3. AxBC classes contains the parm methods for each field as … Continue reading How to expose a field from a table NOT present in the AOT Query for an AIF service