Remove Hover from Primary Navigation Bar Power App Portal
I had a requirement from a client to remove the hover from the header navigation on the customer portal. Here is how we do it, if we inspect, we can see that this is handled by a style element “.navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > li > a:hover“ Now if we removed the background colour here is how … Continue reading Remove Hover from Primary Navigation Bar Power App Portal
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Button missing from ribbon Dynamics CRM (Field Service Work Orders)
Recently I faced issues with some of our custom and Out of the Box ribbon buttons disappearing for example look at the snapshot below. For any selected service order I was not able to see the Run Flow button which runs on-demand workflows and Power Automate Flow (and a few custom ribbon buttons as well). … Continue reading Button missing from ribbon Dynamics CRM (Field Service Work Orders)
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Exploring XRM Toolbox Part 1
In this blog, we will explore the use of the XrmToolBox and different tools present in the store. XrmToolBox is free to use tool that connects with the Dataverse environment and provide you with various tools that allow performing heavy management task very easily. Many developers have contributed to XrmToolBox Store by creating a tool/library … Continue reading Exploring XRM Toolbox Part 1
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Backup Azure DevOps Git Repositories
Here we will see how to backup the repository using the YAML file. This includes the following steps Create an Azure DevOps Personal Access Token (PAT) Create a YAML file Create Subscription Connection Create an Azure DevOps Personal Access Token (PAT) Step 1: Sign in to your Azure DevOps Portal Step 2: Go to Personal … Continue reading Backup Azure DevOps Git Repositories
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Latest purchase price option in the released product in D365 Finance and Operations (SCM)
In this blog, I’m going to showcase to you the impact of the latest purchase price parameter on the item purchase price. Enable the latest purchase price for any product. So whenever new purchase order is created for a product with a specific price or different price, and in case the price of the product … Continue reading Latest purchase price option in the released product in D365 Finance and Operations (SCM)
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Custom Field Validation for Website Fields in Dynamics CRM
Dynamics 365 provides functionality to create a text field of type website field where the user can type in the website name. But out of the box, it has no validation to validate if the user is actually putting a web URL or just a text value, this can be achieved using simple JavaScript. In … Continue reading Custom Field Validation for Website Fields in Dynamics CRM
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Hide Profile Section from Power Apps Portal Header Navigation Bar
The Power Apps Portals Primary Navigation Header always has a section to the profile page as shown in the snapshot below. It is possible to disable this by adding a Web Page Access Control Rule, this will restrict read access to the profile page, but what if you don’t want to remove the read access … Continue reading Hide Profile Section from Power Apps Portal Header Navigation Bar
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Map Newly Registered Portal Contacts to Existing CRM Contacts in Power Apps portal (Azure AD)
Power Apps Portal allows us multiple ways to authenticate users, users can login either by using a User ID and Password for local login or using SSO logins like Azure AD, etc. Users can also register themself through the portal, when a user registers from the portal this creates a new contact with the user’s … Continue reading Map Newly Registered Portal Contacts to Existing CRM Contacts in Power Apps portal (Azure AD)
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Dynamics 365 New Store Commerce App Overview, Setup, and Installation
This blog explains how to configure the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce Store Commerce app and applies to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce version 10.0.25. The Store Commerce app in Dynamics 365 Commerce is the next-generation offering for physical stores. It combines Modern Point of Sale (MPOS) and Cloud Point of Sale (CPOS) into a single application, … Continue reading Dynamics 365 New Store Commerce App Overview, Setup, and Installation
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Dynamically filter required Fields/Columns from a Record’s BPF and Form and apply Requirement to those fields
Hi Everyone, Let me explain this topic with an example of a scenario that you might encounter. I’ll walk you through how to complete this scenario in a concise manner below. Use Case Let’s say you have a Table (Entity) with or without multiple Business Process Flows (BPFs) that include some required Fields and even … Continue reading Dynamically filter required Fields/Columns from a Record’s BPF and Form and apply Requirement to those fields