Email on Releasing and Posting of Purchase Order, Sales Order and Journal
In this article we send emails on releasing and posting of purchase order, sales order and journal. We send emails with attachments in .pdf format to the respective users. For Purchase order the email is sent to the respective Vendor regarding the successful posting of orders. For Sales order email with attachment is sent to customers and in General journal the email is sent to the users.
- Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 with a developer license.
- Page 42 Sales orders, page 50 Purchase order, Page 39 General Journal
- Codeunits 400 for SMTP Mail setup, codeunit 419 File management
- Table 409 For SMTP Mail, Table 91 user setup.
Purpose of the Setup
The purpose of this setup is to send emails with attachments on releasing and posting of purchase and sales order and on Posting of General journal in NAV 2017.
- Configure the SMTP mail setup. Enter the sender’s email id in the USERID and password of the sender in the password field. The authentication is basic. Enter the appropriate SMTP server and port number.
- Write a codeunit for sending email with attachment
Here SendEmailWithAttachment is a function in the codeunit.
This codeunit Fetches the Customer email address. Using SMTP Mail it attaches the attachment in .pdf format and then sends the email.
- In the Respective Page, Call the codeunit in the Post and Release action button using the following command.
- In the NAV front end create a new sales order and post it. This send the email to the respective customer.
The same procedure is applied for Purchase order and General Journal.
The Email automatically is send to the customer, vendor or user with the attachment on Posting and on release action.