Required Privilege for Canvas App in D365 CRM - CloudFronts

Required Privilege for Canvas App in D365 CRM


This blog explains how to resolve the issue for Canvas App not loading which is embedded in D365 CRM using HTML Webresource.


After Canvas App was published and shared with Users still, they were unable to access the Power App. It was showing a blank page with no error.


  1. After debugging the Webpage, I concluded it was missing the Canvas App required privilege.
  2. The privilege can be found in D365 CRM as per below screenshot
  1. After creating a new role for sharing Canvas App and assigning to User, Canvas App rendered as below


I hope the above Blog helps you resolve the issue for Canvas App embedded using HTML Webresource in D365 CRM.

Note: This privilege is only required for Canvas App embedded with HTML Webresource in D365 CRM.

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