Multi-Select Option Sets in D365 July 2017 Update - CloudFronts

Multi-Select Option Sets in D365 July 2017 Update


Finally, one of the most sought after feature is here in the D365 July 2017 Update. The Multi-Select Option Set!

A new attribute type added to D365, you can now create Multi-Level OptionSets in D365.

Creating a Multi Select OptionSet:

A new attribute type is now available that lets you create Multi-Select Option Set.
1. When you create a new field, you’ll see an option to create a Multi-Select Option Set.

2. Here, I’m creating an Option Set for choice of Subjects for Newsletter Company. I’ve named the field as Subjects and I’ll let users select which all subjects is a particular customer interested in in the Enrollment entity.

3. The Multi-Select Option Set looks like a usual option set and my options look like this

4. And I’ll add the same in my form as well and Publish all my changes.

Using Multi-Select Option Set:

Below is how you can select multiple values in the Multi-Select Option Set.

Once on the form, here’s how you can use the Multi Select Option Sets
1. They come with auto-complete feature, so you can start typing the options and they will show up

2. Now, I have selected 3 options namely Technical, History and Science and my subject of interests.
3. Once selected, they appear separated by semicolon (;)
And I’ll save the record.

Multi Select Option Set on Views:

You can see selected values in the Multi-Select Option Sets on the entity views as well.

Some Features:

Below are the features of the Multi-Select Option Sets

  1. Auto-complete the results.
  2. Can hold up to 150 values
  3. Can be used in Advanced Find as well as FetchXML queries.

Hope this was helpful!

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