Integrate Teams with Dynamics 365 for Custom Entities - CloudFronts

Integrate Teams with Dynamics 365 for Custom Entities

In this blog, we will see how to integrate Microsoft Teams with Dynamics 365 for custom entities using Postman.

Step 1- Go to and select Azure Active Directory

Step 2- On App Registration, click on new registration 

Step 3- Register an application and follow the steps 

  1. Name 
  1. Select Multitenant 
  1. Enter the required URL 
  1. Click on register 

Step 4- Add API permissions and add a permission. The request API permission window will appear where you need to select Dynamics 365. 

Step 5- The permission window appears and select Dynamics 365.

Step 6- As you select Dynamics CRM you will be presented the permission window. Select “Delegated permission” and ChecktheUser Impersonationthen click Add Permission button. 

Step 7- After permissions assigned, Grant admin consent confirmation: Click on yes.

Step 8- Go to Manifest and change “allowPublicClient”: true 

Step 9- Go to Overview, save client ID 

Below table will help out to fill in the values in Postman:

Variable NameURL
urlDynamics URL
ClientidClient ID (Showed in above screenshot)

Step 10- Go to Postman, create a new environment and enter all the details in the table:

Step 11- Now connect to the environment from top right most corner

Step 12- Then create a new request

Step 13- Include the following in body: Put status as: Enable: true and Logical Entity Name: Schema name of the entity.

Step 14- Go to Authorization tab. From the Dropdown Select OAuth 2.0. Now we will provide the variable values to generate token. Give a name of token Choose Grant Type Implicit and provide corresponding variables for Callback URL, Authorization URL and Client ID. Then click Get new Access Token.

Step 15- Now click on Get New Access Token

Step 16 – It will prompt you to login Dynamics 365 after you provide your authentication the token will generate.

Step 17- Now click on Use Token

Step 18- Click on Send button

Step 19- Now, collaborate button will be visible in ribbon for required custom entity

Hope this helps!!

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