How to use shared shift in a store with two or more terminals in Dynamics 365 for Retail
A “shared shift” configuration lets retailers have a single shift across multiple registers, cash drawers, and users. A shared shift has a single starting amount and a single closing amount that are summarized across all cash drawers. Shared shifts are most typical when mobile devices are used. In this scenario, a separate cash drawer isn’t reserved for each register. Instead, all registers can share one cash drawer.
Note: Before using shared shift make sure that all the existing shifts at all the POS terminals of the store are closed.
- Login with user id at the main MPOS terminal.
- Open a new shift
- Now login at all the other terminals of the store
- Select the option: Resume an Existing Shift
- Perform Sales and other functions on all the devices
- End of the day before closingthe shifts Make sure that all the users have logged off from the other terminals except Main MPOS.
- On the Main POS: Close the shift.
Using Shared shift all the transactions done across the store would be captured under one shift.
At one particular time only one shift can be shared.