Transfer Order in Dynamics NAV - CloudFronts

Transfer Order in Dynamics NAV


Transfer order are mainly used for Transfer of inventory from one location to another location.

Below are the steps to create transfer Order

  1. In the Search box, enter Transfer Orders, and select the link
  2. Click on New button to create new transfer order.
  3. Select the Location in Transfer from Code field from where you want to ship the Inventory
  4. Select the Location in Transfer to Code field from where you want receive the Inventory.
  5. Select the Location in In-Transit Code field which is used for mainly material is shipped from one location but not received in another location.
  6. Select the Item, quantity on Transfer order lines.
  7. On Action tab, click on post button to ship the Inventory from one location. Select ship in message Box and click on OK.
  8. You can checked Quantity which are shipped in Quantity Shipped field.
  9. Then again click on Post button to receive the inventory in another location. Select Recive in message box and click on OK.
  10. You can checked Quantity which are received in Quantity Received field.


Transfer orders involve posting items as shipped from one location and posting them as received at the other location.

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