How to add an Entity and fields in Global Search On Dynamics 365 CRM


Global Search for Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a custom module, which allows you to search across all CRM entities at the same time, providing results in a single-view convenient layout.

For more details please follow the link:

Global Search for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online User Manual

Adding an Entity and fields in Global Search On Dynamics 365 CRM

Step 1: Log in to the required Power Apps environment using the URL by providing a username and password and select your environment accordingly.

Step 2: Once you have logged into your environment, click on the Settings Icon and select Advanced Settings.

Step 3: Drop down Settings and then click on Administration.

Step 4: After clicking on Administration, select System Settings.

Step 5: Go onto the option Set up Search and then click on Select.

Step 6: For FYI, you can select 10 Entities at a time for Global Search. So Select the 10 Entities according to your requirements. We can even sort the Entities using the options Move up and Move down.

Step 7: As I have said in Step 5, the maximum number of entities that can be added is 10.

Step 8: Once the above steps are done, Return to the below page and click on [Solutions]. Create a solution and add the required table which you wanted to show in Global Search. In my case, the table name is Order Fulfillment. So accordingly add your Entity/Tables.

Step 9: Click on the Entity in which you are working inside the solution and click on Views.

Step 10: Typically, the global search option in D365 CRM is associated with Quick Find View. Select the Quick Find Active Order Fulfilments view.

Step 11: Add the Fields which are needed for View and Find Columns. FYI, in the main D365 CRM Form, the global search has the feature of displaying only the first 3 fields of that view. So insert the important 3 fields in the view first.

Step 12: Once all the customizations are done, Save and publish the solution.

Step 13: Return to the D365 CRM Main page of our Model Driven App and as highlighted below, click on that icon and try searching for the value of the field. For example, If you have added a field named ‘Order Number’, Try searching the value of that field.

Step 14: Once I type the value, the entity in which the value has been present has shown up. For your information, only three fields will be visible once you do the global search and 10 Entities can be visible during the global search.

Hope this Helps!!!

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