Create new Sandbox and copy Production over to it in PowerPlatform Admin Center - CloudFronts

Create new Sandbox and copy Production over to it in PowerPlatform Admin Center

This is one of the standard approaches if you want to copy over a Production instance over to a Sandbox one. Most common scenarios being when you’ve on-boarded a new client to Dynamics 365 / PowerPlatform and you’re nearing Go Live for the first time!

You need a Sandbox to then follow new customization on the Sandbox and avoid doing anything on the Production. Here’s how you copy over from Production to Sandbox!


Creating a Sandbox

  1. Create a new Environment by clicking on the +New button as below
  2. Now, you can directly create a new Sandbox environment in the PowerPlatform Admin Center (
    Remember: Both the source and target environments need to be in the same region to copy.
  3. Additionally, I’ve selected the Create a Database option too since I want to speed up the process.
    Note that you can chose which all apps you want to deploy if you chose Enable Dynamics 365 apps

And that’s it. You’ll need to wait for some time until this is processed!

If you’re also looking to create a Database explicitly for an existing environment using a previous method, you can check this post – Create new CDS Environment and Database quickly from PowerApps Admin Center

While this happens in the background, you can see the message on the Environments section on the Power Platform Admin Center


And upon completion, you’ll see the below message

Copying From Production to Sandbox

Next step is to copy over the Production to the newly created Sandbox environment.

  1. Select the Production environment you want to copy over and look at the ribbon, you’ll see a copy button.
  2. Once you click on the Copy, you’ll be asked about the target environment, chose the created Sandbox.
  3. Once you confirm, the copying process will start. And you’ll be taken to this page which tells you what stage the process is in –
  4. Once all the copying is completed, this notification will appear. Now, the next step is to turn off Administration Mode. Click on settings link as shown below by arrow.
  5. Once you flick the switch and Save, Administration Mode will be disabled letting others to log in as well. Additionally, now we have the option to keep Background Operations On as well while keeping Administration Mode On as well.

Now, you are all set. Hope this helps!

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