Services accessed from Untrusted location? Enforce MFA!
Introduction: With Azure AD Conditional Access, you can control how authorized users’ can access your cloud applications. In this article, we will see how to create conditional access to enforce MFA, if the user is accessing services from the untrusted location (outside of the company’s network). Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a method of authentication that … Continue reading Services accessed from Untrusted location? Enforce MFA!
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Error while exporting SSRS Reports to Excel
Introduction: Recently, we encountered an issue while exporting the SSRS Reports to Excel. In CRM, the SSRS Report was displaying the data correctly but for few filter criteria, we were not able to export the Reports to Excel. On troubleshooting in SQL Data Tools, we found that it was throwing the below error. Error Details: … Continue reading Error while exporting SSRS Reports to Excel
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Features of Business Central October Release
Introduction: In this blog I’ll be demonstrating few features of Business Central October Release[RC3]. Pre-requisite: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central October Release[RC3]. Demonstration: 1.Refreshed User Experience Improved Card Page Layout. Improved List Page Categorized Actions. Changed position of New,Edit, Delete as well as Previous andNext buttons. 2. Improved Productivity Advanced filtering with multiple column filtering: Limit … Continue reading Features of Business Central October Release
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Enable Run Report button on Project Entity in D365 PSA
Introduction: This blog details steps for Run Report button on Project Entity in D365 PSA. Pre-requisites: 1. Ribbon Customizations solution installed in environment. Steps: Below are steps to configure Company Insights on custom form “FSA Account” for Account Entity 1. Create a new solution for Ribbon Customizations. Add project entity in the solution. 2. Add Another … Continue reading Enable Run Report button on Project Entity in D365 PSA
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Hide UCI in Dynamics 365
Introduction: Dynamics 365 has two different type of form one is classic and other one is UCI. Now sometimes we want certain field to be visible on UCI and some on classic form. Description: We had a requirement where we wanted to show certain field on UCI, but it should be hidden on classic form. … Continue reading Hide UCI in Dynamics 365
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Item cross reference Dynamics 365 Business Central
Introduction: Item Cross reference is useful to quickly identify the items that were ordered by a customer or that you are purchasing from a vendor on the basis of item numbers other than your company. You can use Item Cross reference on Purchase Order, Sales Order, Purchase Quote and Sales Quote Steps: Following are steps to … Continue reading Item cross reference Dynamics 365 Business Central
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User Tasks in D365 BC
Introduction: In this you can create the tasks for yourself and assign tasks to others or be assigned a task by someone else in your Company and you can set an expiration date, create a recurring task. User Task Functionality: Reminds the work to be done You can assign tasks to yourself or others Set … Continue reading User Tasks in D365 BC
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Copying Data From A Table/Matrix in Power BI : September 2018 Update
Introduction The September 2018 Update of Power BI has finally brought to users, the functionality to copy data from a table or matrix in a report. This has been a much-requested feature as one often finds themselves needing to copy a value or columns of data from a report with no option to do so. … Continue reading Copying Data From A Table/Matrix in Power BI : September 2018 Update
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Count Number of weekends between 2 dates in SSRS
Problem: There is no in-built function in SSRS where we can count the number of Saturdays and Sundays between any two dates in SSRS. This is a needed function for scenarios where we only need to get a count of working days.’ Solution: Following is a formula that can be used for getting an accurate … Continue reading Count Number of weekends between 2 dates in SSRS
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Timezone effect on Work Hours
Introduction: Work Hours mentioned under a User/Bookable Resource aren’t the same as they show. Ever wondered what is Cross Day on Work Hours for a Bookable Resources in Dynamics 365 PSA or Field Service? Or even User record for that matter? And why not the actual Work Hours a resource is set to? You should … Continue reading Timezone effect on Work Hours