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Gain Business Insights faster by generating Power BI Reports quickly with just 1 click in Dataverse

Hi All, I’m going to show a useful feature that you can leverage to view and create instant Power BI visuals that is generated automatically based on the current view. Documentation Link Just an example: How it looks Steps to achieve this: Step 1: You need to enable this feature in Model-Driven App itself Edit … Continue reading Gain Business Insights faster by generating Power BI Reports quickly with just 1 click in Dataverse

How to create Date table using M query

Posted On December 13, 2021 by Yogesh Gunjal Posted in Tagged in ,

You Might have seen the other ways to create the DateTable in Power BI using m query by adding two Custom columns such as startdate and enddate and then using DateRange function you can populate the dates between startdate and enddate However, in this blog, we will see the M query that enables you to … Continue reading How to create Date table using M query

Full Outer join Using DAX in Power BI

Thinking of full outer join in Power BI what comes first in your mind? How can we achieve full outer join in Power BI? Common Answer will be the “Use Merge Query” Option in Power Query Window. However, I would like to tell you that we can use DAX to achieve Full Outer Join. Full … Continue reading Full Outer join Using DAX in Power BI

Display Horizontal Page tab in Power BI web

In Power BI Desktop app and when we edit the report on Power BI workspace, page tab visible at bottom, but when we publish the report on to the Power BI Service then it is visible on left side. We can change the Tab Position in the Power BI web as well, to do that … Continue reading Display Horizontal Page tab in Power BI web

Add rows to Power BI dataset for date range

Posted On October 17, 2021 by Aditya Somwanshi Posted in Tagged in

Hi in this blog we will see how we can add rows to power bi dataset for a given date range. For example if you have a dataset which has start and end date and you want rows for each date between this range then this blog will help you. Step 1: Open Power BI … Continue reading Add rows to Power BI dataset for date range

Connect Azure Databricks to Power BI

Open Power BI and Click on Get Data and Search for Azure Databricks and click on connect.  It will ask for below details,  Server Hostname  HTTP Path    Now we will see, how to get above details,  Go to Azure Databricks and click on Clusters  Once clusters is opened the go to Advanced setting > JDBC/ODBC. … Continue reading Connect Azure Databricks to Power BI

DAX For Relationships in Power BI

Hi everyone in this blog we will see the different DAX that are used to define or use the relationship between two tables. In Power BI there are two type of relationships                 1. One to One  (1:1)                 2. One to Many   (1:*) Now lets look at the DAX functions that we can use … Continue reading DAX For Relationships in Power BI

Create new aggregate measurement / Entity store in D365 Finance and Operation to be consumed in Power BI report in D365 Finance and Operations

In D365 there are several option to export/Import data like Data Entities, BYOD, Aggregate measurements/Entity store. In this blog we will learn How to create entity store in D365 Finance and operations. Aggregate Measurements/Entity Stores are use to create Power Bi reports with nearly Live data where user have option to set its recurrence that … Continue reading Create new aggregate measurement / Entity store in D365 Finance and Operation to be consumed in Power BI report in D365 Finance and Operations

Modern Enterprise BI: Part 1

Power BI has some new features and Future Promises for Modern Enterprise applications in Business.

Power BI Custom Visual Sorting

Sorting can be used for defining an order direction for your Custom Visual. There are 3 different ways using which you or a user using your visual can sort your visual. They are as follows: Default Sorting: This is the easiest sorting option and gives users the ability to sort the visual by any field … Continue reading Power BI Custom Visual Sorting



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