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Shopify Meets Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations: A Guide to Integration [Part 1]

Introduction The integration of Shopify with Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations (FnO) starts by creating a secure link.The initial step in this process involves generating an API token within Shopify, serving as the credential for verified communication between both systems.In this blog I will walk you through the steps to create the API token, facilitating … Continue reading Shopify Meets Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations: A Guide to Integration [Part 1]

Using Automated Testing in POSTMAN for Business Central Web Services

Introduction: While using Business Central Web Services or APIs, we often use POSTMAN for testing the request and the responses. Today we’ll see how we can automate this testing to a certain extent using the inbuilt features of POSTMAN. We can have testing logic that runs before every request, after every request or logic that … Continue reading Using Automated Testing in POSTMAN for Business Central Web Services

Rest API GET call in JSON format in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

Introduction: In this blog, we will see how to get response from Rest Api through GET call Solution:  Consisting of basic authentication, we will pass username and password in byteStr and for the endpoint we will put it in url in below code. class CFSJSTestRestAPI { public static void main(Args _args) { int find; str … Continue reading Rest API GET call in JSON format in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

Migrating Activities Of Type ‘Case Resolution’ Between Two Microsoft Dynamics CRM Environments

Introduction: While migrating Cases, the migration of activities of type ‘Case Resolution’ is necessary. However, the complexity in migrating this increases due to the fact that when the status of a case is updated, a blank case resolution activity is created automatically by the system. This system-generated case resolution needs to be deleted as this … Continue reading Migrating Activities Of Type ‘Case Resolution’ Between Two Microsoft Dynamics CRM Environments

Salesforce field not visible in Scribe Insight Integration

Introduction: There may arise a scenario where after creating a connection to Salesforce, a field that exists in Salesforce isn’t visible in your Scribe Insight DTS. This can happen because of multiple reasons. In this article I have listed down 3 of the most likely reasons why your SFDC field is not visible in Scribe … Continue reading Salesforce field not visible in Scribe Insight Integration




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