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Using Automated Testing in POSTMAN for Business Central Web Services

Introduction: While using Business Central Web Services or APIs, we often use POSTMAN for testing the request and the responses. Today we’ll see how we can automate this testing to a certain extent using the inbuilt features of POSTMAN. We can have testing logic that runs before every request, after every request or logic that … Continue reading Using Automated Testing in POSTMAN for Business Central Web Services

Using OdataKeyFields for fetching records in Business Central Web Services

Introduction: Business Central provides us with Web Services which we can use for CRUD operations on specific tables. However it also provides us with different methods of accessing specific records for CRUD operations. Pre-requisites: Business Central On-Premise or OnCloud. References: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/business-central/dev-itpro/developer/properties/devenv-odatakeyfields-property Usage: In Business Central, if we do not specify the ODataKeyFields as a property … Continue reading Using OdataKeyFields for fetching records in Business Central Web Services



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