9. Use the below PowerShell script which can also be found on the Power BI discussion site.
$resourceGroupName = “<your resource group>”
$instanceName = “<Power BI embedded instance name>”
$azureProfilePath = “”
$azureRunAsConnectionName = “AzureRunAsConnection” #”PowerBIAutoscale”
$configStr = “
Name: “”Weekday Heavy Load Hours””
,StartTime: “”06:45:00″”
,StopTime: “”23:45:00″”
,Sku: “”A4″”
Name: “”Early AM Hours””
,StartTime: “”00:00:00″”
,StopTime: “”04:44:00″”
,Sku: “”A1″”
Name: “”Model Refresh””
,StartTime: “”04:45:00″”
,StopTime: “”06:45:00″”
,Sku: “”A3″”
Name: “”Weekend Operational Hours””
,StartTime: “”06:45:00″”
,StopTime: “”18:00:00″”
,Sku: “”A3″”
$VerbosePreference = “Continue”
$ErrorActionPreference = “Stop”
Import-Module “AzureRM.PowerBIEmbedded”
Write-Verbose “Logging in to Azure…”
# Load the profile from local file
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($azureProfilePath))
Import-AzureRmContext -Path $azureProfilePath | Out-Null
# Load the profile from Azure Automation RunAS connection
elseif (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($azureRunAsConnectionName))
$runAsConnectionProfile = Get-AutomationConnection -Name $azureRunAsConnectionName
Add-AzureRmAccount -ServicePrincipal -TenantId $runAsConnectionProfile.TenantId `
-ApplicationId $runAsConnectionProfile.ApplicationId -CertificateThumbprint $runAsConnectionProfile.CertificateThumbprint | Out-Null
# Interactive Login
Add-AzureRmAccount | Out-Null
$fmt = “MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss” # format string
$culture = [Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture
$startTime = Get-Date
Write-Verbose “Current Local Time: $($startTime)”
$startTime = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId($startTime, [System.TimeZoneInfo]::Local.Id, ‘Eastern Standard Time’)
Write-Verbose “Current Time EST: $($startTime)”
$scheduleTimeMidnight = ($startTime).Date
Write-Verbose “Schedule Time Base (Midnight): $($scheduleTimeMidnight)”
$currentDayOfWeek = [Int]($scheduleTimeMidnight).DayOfWeek
Write-Verbose “DOW: $($currentDayOfWeek)”
$stateConfig = $configStr | ConvertFrom-Json #| Select-Object Sku, WeekDays, Name, StartTime, EndTime #, @{Name=”StartTime”; Expression={[DateTime]:Smiley TonguearseExact($_.StartTime, $fmt, $culture)}}, @{Name=”StopTime”; Expression={[DateTime]:Smiley TonguearseExact($_.StopTime, $fmt, $culture)}}
Write-Verbose “Writing Config Objects…”
foreach($x in $stateConfig)
Write-Verbose “Name: $($x.Name)”
Write-Verbose “Weekdays: $($x.WeekDays -join ‘,’)”
$x.StartTime = ($scheduleTimeMidnight).AddHours([int]$x.StartTime.Split(“{:}”)[0]).AddMinutes([int]$x.StartTime.Split(“{:}”)[1]).AddSeconds([int]$x.StartTime.Split(“{:}”)[2])
Write-Verbose “Start Time: $($x.StartTime)”
$x.StopTime = ($scheduleTimeMidnight).AddHours([int]$x.StopTime.Split(“{:}”)[0]).AddMinutes([int]$x.StopTime.Split(“{:}”)[1]).AddSeconds([int]$x.StopTime.Split(“{:}”)[2])
Write-Verbose “End Time: $($x.StopTime)”
Write-Verbose “Getting current status…”
# Get the server status
$pbiService = Get-AzureRmPowerBIEmbeddedCapacity -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName
switch ($pbiService.State) {
“Scaling” { Write-Verbose “Service scaling operation in progress… Aborting.” end }
“Succeeded” {Write-Verbose “Current Status: Running”}
Default {Write-Verbose “Current Status: $($pbiService.State)”}
Write-Verbose “Current Capacity: $($pbiService.Sku)”
# Find a match in the config
$dayObjects = $stateConfig | Where-Object {$_.WeekDays -contains $currentDayOfWeek }
# If no matching day then exit
if($dayObjects -ne $null){
# Can’t treat several objects for same time-frame, if there’s more than one, pick first
$matchingObject = $dayObjects | Where-Object { ($startTime -ge $_.StartTime) -and ($startTime -lt $_.StopTime) } | Select-Object -First 1
if($matchingObject -ne $null)
Write-Verbose “Current Config Object”
Write-Verbose $matchingObject.Name
Write-Verbose “Weekdays: $($matchingObject.WeekDays -join ‘,’)”
Write-Verbose “SKU: $($matchingObject.Sku)”
Write-Verbose “Start Time: $($matchingObject.StartTime)”
Write-Verbose “End Time: $($matchingObject.StopTime)”
# if Paused resume
if($pbiService.State -eq “Paused”)
Write-Verbose “The service is Paused. Resuming the Instance”
$pbiService = Resume-AzureRmPowerBIEmbeddedCapacity -Name $instanceName -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -PassThru -Verbose
# Change the SKU if needed
if($pbiService.Sku -ne $matchingObject.Sku)
Write-Verbose “Updating Capacity Tier from $($pbiService.Sku) to $($matchingObject.Sku)”
Update-AzureRmPowerBIEmbeddedCapacity -Name $instanceName -sku $matchingObject.Sku
else {
Write-Verbose “No Interval Found. Checking current capacity tier.”
if($pbiService.Sku -ne “A2”)
Write-Verbose “No Interval Found. Scaling to A2”
Write-Verbose “Updating Capacity Tier from $($pbiService.Sku) to A2”
Update-AzureRmPowerBIEmbeddedCapacity -Name $instanceName -sku $matchingObject.Sku
Write-Verbose “No Interval Found. Checking current capacity tier.”
if($pbiService.Sku -ne “A2”)
Write-Verbose “No Interval Found. Scaling to A2”
Write-Verbose “Updating Capacity Tier from $($pbiService.Sku) to A2”
Update-AzureRmPowerBIEmbeddedCapacity -Name $instanceName -sku $matchingObject.Sku
Write-Verbose “Done!”
10. Above script not includes Capacity pause, we can add that in the script.
11. Once we done with the script click on Save and the Publish the script.
12. Create the Schedule under the Shared Resources and click on the Add a schedule.
13. Once we create schedule go to the runbook and under Resources click on the Schedules and Add a schedule and set the recurring frequency as per the requirement.
14. Link the schedule to your runbook.
This way we can schedule autoscale for the Power BI Embedded capacity using PowerShell and Automation Account.