How you can prevent yourself from coming into the defaulter list - CloudFronts

How you can prevent yourself from coming into the defaulter list

Posted On July 13, 2020 by Aditya Somwanshi Posted in  Tagged in

In this blog we will see how you can prevent yourself from coming into the defaulter list.

Lets first understand the different criteria for a user to fall in defaulter list.

  1. The follow up date of the case is less than today’s date.
  2. The day difference between last notes added and follow up date is greater than 5 days.
  3. For critical priority case notes not added after every two hours.

Now since we know the criteria we can make a habit of always looking at our assigned cases either when we logged in or while logging out so that our follow up dates will not miss.

As notes on the case are very important not just for the defaulter list but for clients and management to get insights of what is happening on the case, we should put notes on every action we do on the case.

Hope this helps.

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