Connect to an external database using X++ code in AX 2012 - CloudFronts

Connect to an external database using X++ code in AX 2012

Posted On November 2, 2015 by Admin Posted in 

Below are the steps to be performed,

  1. To connect to an external database using ODBC connection, first create a DSN. To create a DSN refer the link
  2. Write the below code:


    Note : The database login credentials are given in the DSN. You can use windows credentials or provide SQL credentials, if required.

  3. In the above code, the below lines of code will initialise the connection to the database.
        sq = new SqlSystem();
        loginProperty = new LoginProperty();
        loginProperty.setDSN(/*your dsn name here*/);
        loginProperty.setDatabase(/*your database name here*/);
        oDBCConnection = new ODBCConnection(loginProperty);
  4. The below lines of code will execute the query and store the data in a resulSet.
        sqlStmnt = strFmt("select * from ABC"); //write your query here
        statement1 = odbcConnection.createStatement();
        perm1 = new SqlStatementExecutePermission(sqlStmnt);
        myResult1  = statement1.executeQuery(sqlStmt1);
  5. We can also execute the stored procedures in the database. Write the below code to do so.
        odbcConnection = new OdbcConnection(loginProperty);
        sqlStmt1 = strFmt("exec [Stored Procedure name]"); 
        perm = new SqlStatementExecutePermission(sqlStmt1);
        statement1 = odbcConnection.createStatement();
  6. Suppose you execute more than one stored procedure in the same code, you may get below error.
    "SQL error description: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Connection is busy with results for another hstmt"
  7. To eliminate this error, write below statement after every stored procedure is executed,
  8. If there are multiple external databases on different servers, then you can create separate DSN to connect to each server. This connection information can be stored in a master table containing the DSN name, the database name.
  9. The X++ code can then use the connection details from the master table as shown below.
    loginProperty = new LoginProperty();


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