Trigger Power Automate on Condition - CloudFronts

Trigger Power Automate on Condition


This blog explains how we can trigger Power Automate based on the required condition.

Suppose you have a requirement where you want your flow should get trigger based on some condition then you can check condition on “Trigger” itself rather than adding a new action to check condition.

Use Case:

  1. Trigger flow when Lead is created and Lead Source Type is “Trade Show”
  2. Trigger flow when Lead is created and Flag is “Yes”.
  3. Trigger Flow when Lead is created, Lead Source Type is “Trade Show” AND Flag is “Yes”.
  4. Trigger Flow when Lead is created, Lead Source Type is “Trade Show” OR Flag is “Yes”.


Steps to be followed:

  • Trigger flow when Lead is created and Lead Source Type is “Trade Show”
  1. Click on Ellipsis (…) –> Click on Settings
  2. Go to Trigger Conditions and Click on “+Add”
  3. Add condition.

    NOTE: “Lead Source” is an option set field add value of that option to check.

  4. After adding condition click on Done.
  5. Test your flow.


  • Trigger flow when Lead is created and Flag is “Yes”.

    • Repeat step number 1 to 3.
    • NOTE: Flag is the “Two Option” field for two option set fields use true or false in condition.




  • Trigger Flow when Lead is created, Lead Source Type is “Trade Show” AND Flag is “Yes”.

    • Repeat step number 1 to 3.
    • AND Condition

      @and(equals(triggerBody()?['cf_flag'],true), equals(triggerBody()?['leadsourcecode'],7))


  • Trigger Flow when Lead is created, Lead Source Type is “Trade Show” OR Flag is “Yes”.

    • Repeat step number 1 to 3.
    • OR Condition
@or(equals(triggerBody()?['cf_flag'],true), equals(triggerBody()?['leadsourcecode'],7))

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