Design Views in App Designer - D365 - CloudFronts

Design Views in App Designer – D365

Posted On April 11, 2018 by Subhash Mahato Posted in 


Create and edit public or system views by using the app designer


Dynamics 365 sales app designer allow us to create/edit system view using the app designer. In this example we will use the sales app and account entity for view design.


  1. Go to Setting > select My Apps.
  2. And open the sales app in app designer.
  3. We can define the filter criteria with and/or condition.
  4. Select the account view and click on the create new view from the components tab.

Adding Column:

  1. Now you will able to see the designer page of a view.
  2. You can add the column to the view from the components tab I have added the account number column. You need to drag and drop.
  3. After adding few columns.

Adding Filter:

  1. We can add the filter criteria which will show only related record.
  2. We can define the filter criteria with and/or condition

Save the view:

  1. Provide the view name and save it

Column Sorting:

  1. You can define the primary and secondary sorting column


  1. Finally, you need to publish the view as shown


So, this is another quick way you can create Views than just traditionally creating from within Solutions in D365.

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