Count Number of weekends between 2 dates in SSRS
There is no in-built function in SSRS where we can count the number of Saturdays and Sundays between any two dates in SSRS. This is a needed function for scenarios where we only need to get a count of working days.’
Following is a formula that can be used for getting an accurate count of weekends.
= (((DateDiff (DateInterval.Day, DateAdd(DateInterval.Day,7-WeekDay(Parameters!startDate.Value),Parameters!startDate.Value), DateAdd(DateInterval.Day,7-WeekDay(Parameters!endDate.Value),Parameters!endDate.Value).AddDays(1)) + 1)/ 7)*2) + iif(weekday(Parameters!endDate.Value)=7,1,0) + iif(weekday(Parameters!startDate.Value)=1,1,0) -1
Here instead of Parameters!startDate.Value and Parameters!endDate.Value, you can use any other Start Date or End Date.