Tag Archives: Reporting
Power BI Custom Visual Sorting
Sorting can be used for defining an order direction for your Custom Visual. There are 3 different ways using which you or a user using your visual can sort your visual. They are as follows: Default Sorting: This is the easiest sorting option and gives users the ability to sort the visual by any field … Continue reading Power BI Custom Visual Sorting
Count Number of weekends between 2 dates in SSRS
Problem: There is no in-built function in SSRS where we can count the number of Saturdays and Sundays between any two dates in SSRS. This is a needed function for scenarios where we only need to get a count of working days.’ Solution: Following is a formula that can be used for getting an accurate … Continue reading Count Number of weekends between 2 dates in SSRS
Generating Image dynamically in SSRS Report from CRM
Introduction: It is possible to Fetch images from CRM’s entity records using Fetch XML. This can be done using Notes attachment in CRM and the steps to display the Image in your report are pretty simple as well. Steps: Attach your image to a note under your respective entity in CRM In your Visual Studio … Continue reading Generating Image dynamically in SSRS Report from CRM
Row Numbering Issue for Grouped Data in SSRS
Issue: In SSRS if we are using an aggregate function in a group at the Tablix level, then you may realize that the simple row numbering function does not give a current sequential ranking. Using the function RowNumber(Nothing) gives something like this. Using RowNumber(“GroupName”) would also give an incorrect row numbering and look something like … Continue reading Row Numbering Issue for Grouped Data in SSRS