Custom Card in Canvas Power Apps - CloudFronts

Custom Card in Canvas Power Apps

Posted On July 20, 2020 by Ankita Chavan Posted in  Tagged in ,

In this blog will see custom cards in Power Apps

Use Case:

I wanted to separate fields on form by label and it was looking like below:

 here what i am came up with add custom card on form and try adding label on the Card.

Add Custom Card

Select form -> Click on edit fields

Click on Add a custom Card

Custom card will look like this, now change the position of card and try to move it below Name field.

To change the position refer this blog:

After Changing the Position of card:

Now change the width of Card

Add Label on Card and change color or style accordingly.

and now add fields on the form

Here is the final Output:

Conclusion: in this we way we can separate fields by adding labels on the form in Canvas Power Apps.

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