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Enable multiple pickup delivery modes for customer orders in D365 Retail POS(Commerce )

Posted On June 30, 2021 by Admin Posted in Tagged in

In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce version 10.0.16 and later, Retailers can define multiple modes of delivery that shoppers or sales associates can choose among when they create an order that will be picked up at a store. In this way, organizations can provide multiple pickup options to their shoppers.  For example, many retailers now offer … Continue reading Enable multiple pickup delivery modes for customer orders in D365 Retail POS(Commerce )

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New discount enhancements in D365 Retail POS(Commerce)

Ability to restrict discount to one or more stores The way this discount works is: If a particular customer buys something from a particular store , only in that case discount is applied. Lets check the setup below All you need to do is enable Match all associated price group button to enable this. And … Continue reading New discount enhancements in D365 Retail POS(Commerce)

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New discount enhancements in D365 Retail POS(Commerce)

Posted On June 30, 2021 by Admin Posted in Tagged in

Ability for certain discounts to always apply after all other discounts have been applied This feature gives the ability to cashier to give additional discounts to certain customers even after all the eligible discounts have been applied. For example: A customer has a coupon which cashier wants to apply on a transaction. This coupon discount … Continue reading New discount enhancements in D365 Retail POS(Commerce)

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Inventory adjustment feature in D365 Retail POS(Commerce)

Posted On June 30, 2021 by Admin Posted in Tagged in

Inventory adjustment in POS can be used to account for items which need to be discarded from the store or they need to be adjusted as per the store requirement. Let’s see how a cashier can do that. Below is the setup required to be done in order for this feature to work In the … Continue reading Inventory adjustment feature in D365 Retail POS(Commerce)

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Inventory lookup feature to be operational in 10.0.19 release of D365 Retail(Commerce)

As of now as a POS user if you want to check the inventory of an Item , you will need to click on the inventory lookup button on homepage and you will have to then enter the item number to display a list of store wise inventory. While this feature is useful, there is … Continue reading Inventory lookup feature to be operational in 10.0.19 release of D365 Retail(Commerce)

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Database error on POS while adding products to cart in D365 Retail POS

Posted On March 13, 2021 by Admin Posted in Tagged in

This particular error ‘A database error has occurred’ took a very long time to resolve for us as neither us or Microsoft were able to figure out what was causing it. We verified and double checked following to resolve the issue but to no avail. I suggest you to first ensure the below things before … Continue reading Database error on POS while adding products to cart in D365 Retail POS

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Register/Create customer accounts of store employees on POS in D365 Retail(Commerce)

In Retail store you will need to assign address books i.e. One for store staff/employees and the second one for customers. If you fail  to do that then on POS you will not be able to login or see/search for customers The above setup is the ideal for the store to function properly. However, some … Continue reading Register/Create customer accounts of store employees on POS in D365 Retail(Commerce)

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How to handle multiple loyalty cards in D365 Retail(Commerce) store POS

Posted On March 13, 2021 by Admin Posted in Tagged in

Loyalty programs can help increase customer loyalty by rewarding customers for their interactions with the retailer’s brand. In Dynamics 365 Commerce, you can set up simple or complex loyalty programs that apply across your legal entities in any commerce channel.  You can set up your loyalty program in many ways so that it includes options … Continue reading How to handle multiple loyalty cards in D365 Retail(Commerce) store POS

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Send an Email to all users in a D365 Team using power automate.

D365 gives us a functionality to assign a record to a group of users which can be archived by using a D365 Team these users then are know as members of that respective team, due to functionality restrictions we cannot send an email to a  D365 team, however there are a few workarounds by which … Continue reading Send an Email to all users in a D365 Team using power automate.

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Error while assigning positions to the employees/workers in D365 Commerce(Retail)

At times you will get an error while creating positions for employees such as this: The assignment end date must not be earlier than the assignment start date Here even if you put an Assignment end date you wont be able to create a position because the actual error is on the below form. Once … Continue reading Error while assigning positions to the employees/workers in D365 Commerce(Retail)

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