Commands to Create .bacpac file from Azure SQL to SQL Server
This topic explains how to export a Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition database from an environment that is based on Microsoft Azure.
1. Create a duplicate of the source database.
<"CREATE DATABASE MyNewCopy AS COPY OF axdb_mySourceDatabaseToCopy">
To monitor the progress of the copy operation, run the following query against the MASTER database in the same instance.
2. Run the Sql Server script to Prepare the database.
--Prepare a database in SQL Azure for export to SQL Server. --Disable change tracking on tables where it is enabled. declare @SQL varchar(1000) set quoted_identifier off declare changeTrackingCursor CURSOR for select 'ALTER TABLE ' + + ' DISABLE CHANGE_TRACKING' from sys.change_tracking_tables c, sys.tables t where t.object_id = c.object_id OPEN changeTrackingCursor FETCH changeTrackingCursor into @SQL WHILE @@Fetch_Status = 0 BEGIN exec(@SQL) FETCH changeTrackingCursor into @SQL END CLOSE changeTrackingCursor DEALLOCATE changeTrackingCursor --Disable change tracking on the database itself. ALTER DATABASE -- SET THE NAME OF YOUR DATABASE BELOW MyNewCopy set CHANGE_TRACKING = OFF --Remove the database level users from the database --these will be recreated after importing in SQL Server. declare @userSQL varchar(1000) set quoted_identifier off declare userCursor CURSOR for select 'DROP USER ' + name from sys.sysusers where issqlrole = 0 and hasdbaccess = 1 and name <> 'dbo' OPEN userCursor FETCH userCursor into @userSQL WHILE @@Fetch_Status = 0 BEGIN exec(@userSQL) FETCH userCursor into @userSQL END CLOSE userCursor DEALLOCATE userCursor --Delete the SYSSQLRESOURCESTATSVIEW view as it has an Azure-specific definition in it. --We will run db synch later to recreate the correct view for SQL Server. if(1=(select 1 from sys.views where name = 'SYSSQLRESOURCESTATSVIEW')) DROP VIEW SYSSQLRESOURCESTATSVIEW --Next, set system parameters ready for being a SQL Server Database. update sysglobalconfiguration set value = 'SQLSERVER' where name = 'BACKENDDB' update sysglobalconfiguration set value = 0 where name = 'TEMPTABLEINAXDB' --Clean up the batch server configuration, server sessions, and printers from the previous environment. TRUNCATE TABLE SYSSERVERCONFIG TRUNCATE TABLE SYSSERVERSESSIONS TRUNCATE TABLE SYSCORPNETPRINTERS --Remove records which could lead to accidentally sending an email externally. UPDATE SysEmailParameters SET SMTPRELAYSERVERNAME = '' GO UPDATE LogisticsElectronicAddress SET LOCATOR = '' WHERE Locator LIKE '%@%' GO TRUNCATE TABLE PrintMgmtSettings TRUNCATE TABLE PrintMgmtDocInstance --Set any waiting, executing, ready, or canceling batches to withhold. UPDATE BatchJob SET STATUS = 0 WHERE STATUS IN (1,2,5,7) GO
3. Export the database from Azure SQL
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\DAC\bin
SqlPackage.exe /a:export / /sdn:MyNewCopy /tf:D:\Exportedbacpac\my.bacpac /p:CommandTimeout=1200 /p:VerifyFullTextDocumentTypesSupported=false /sp:EG=ajgU8!Fx=gY /su:sqladmin
Where :
- ssn (source server name) – The name of the Azure SQL Database server to export from.
- sdn (source database name) – The name of the database to export.
- tf (target file) – The path and name of the file to export to.
- sp (source password) – The SQL password for the source SQL Server.
- su (source user) – The SQL user name for the source SQL Server. We recommend that you use the sqladmin
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