AX7-Global General Journal - CloudFronts

AX7-Global General Journal

Posted On March 28, 2016 by Sunil Dhing Posted in 

In AX7, a new feature of Global General Journal has been released. The use of this feature is only for those companies where there are more than one legal entities in AX and the users who are doing accounting entries are same.

The benefit of this feature is the user no need to switch legal entities while creating Journal Entries which can ultimately can save lot of time.

The path to create global general journal is General Ledger->Journal Entries->Global General Journal.

  1. When you create a new journal, you can select the Legal entity and the journal name of that entity for which you want to create the journal entry.
  2. You can then continue to create the journal lines inside the current entity and you can directly Open the journal in the other entity if you wish to, or you can complete the entire journal entity, validate and post in the current entity and the entry will be created and posted in the destination entity.


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