Integrate PowerApps with Dynamics 365 - CloudFronts

Integrate PowerApps with Dynamics 365

Posted On January 1, 2018 by Admin Posted in  Tagged in


This blog explains how to Integrate PowerApps with Dynamics 365.

Keep the following restrictions in mind:

  • Only PowerApps users in the same tenant can access the embedded app.
  • To access PowerApps using Internet Explorer 11, you must turn off Compatibility View.

Steps to be followed:

  1. In, on the Apps tab, click or tap the ellipsis ( . . . ), then Details.
  2. Copy the App ID.
  3. Substitute the [App ID]value in the URI.:
  4. Embed your app in a website: Embedding your app is now as simple as adding the iframe to the HTML code for your site.http://<iframe width=”[W]” height=”[H]” src=” source=website&screenColor=rgba(165,34,55,1)&appId=/providers/Microsoft.PowerApps/apps/[AppID]”/>

To add PowerApp inside CRM  as web resource:

Keep the following points in mind for authenticating users of your app:

  • If your website uses Azure Active Directory (AAD) based authentication, no additional sign-in is required.
  • If your website uses any other sign-in mechanism or is not authenticated, your users see a sign-in prompt on the iframe. After they sign-in, they will be able to run the app as long as the author of the app has shared it with them


  • Specify the width and height for App.
  • Specify the app id.

Sample HTML code:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html>  <head>

<title>HTML Iframes</title>



<p>App Goes here...</p>

<iframe width="250" height="250" src=",34,55,1)&appId=/providers/Microsoft.PowerApps/apps/579938ff-e1a0-4891-a8b9-8d69c103fd84" />




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