Introducing Microsoft 365 Project Operations - MBAS 2020 Takeaway - CloudFronts

Introducing Microsoft 365 Project Operations – MBAS 2020 Takeaway

Among the fabulous sessions at MBAS 2020 Online Conference, Introduction of Project Operations was the most anticipated for me. Here are my takeaways from the same –

Gurkan Salk & Kevin Horlock provided an overview of what to expect for Project Operations/ 

What is Project Operations?

Some key points – 

  1. Project Operations is an extension of capabilities to existing PSA in Dynamics 365 to a whole new product called as Project Operations. This is a new offering by Microsoft.
  2. GA is 1st Oct 2020
  3. Project Operations will utilize the Project based Sales Capabilities including quotation and resourcing 
  4. Project Management capabilities will run from Microsoft Project and utilize the power scheduling engine it has to offer. Taking capabilities directly from Project for the Web. Will now be embedded inside Project Operations
  5. Capabilities of D365 Finance will be utilized for Costing and Invoicing/Accounting capabilities.
  6. Better Teams Integration to bring in Project Team Members on a Teams channel to be able to better collaborate.
  7. Flexible and easy to use Gannt Chart for Tasks. Clicking on the bars would let us configure the attributes of the Task
  8. Resource Manager has all visibility across all Projects.
  9. Revenue Recognition in Finance and Operations –
    1. Looking into Project And Operations for Outstanding Invoices.
    2. Overview of the Revenue Recognition angle of a Project can be over-viewed in FnO.
    3. AI to interpret receipts what have been scanned and entered against the Project.

When is Project Operations available?

General Availability is 1st Oct 2020

Some good QnAs in the session

  1. Could Integrate with Azure DevOps.
    Ans: Won’t be available out-of-box integration, but we can use Power Automate.
  2. Planned Integration?
    Ans: No direct Planner usage.
  3. PO and supporting CDS
    Ans: PO will run on Dynamics platform. Will encapsulate PSA capabilities. All PO data available in CDS.

Hope this initial info helps and we’ll keep you posted as we approach GA.

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