New feature: Manually switching to Offline MPOS in Dynamics 365 Retail (Commerce) - CloudFronts

New feature: Manually switching to Offline MPOS in Dynamics 365 Retail (Commerce)

Offline functionality in Modern POS (MPOS) is critical to business continuity and continuous store operations. MPOS must be available whenever needed, and as a result, it is critical that offline mode is provided for the broadest set of scenarios.

Generally Offline functionality is not enabled by default. When you create a store, you need to configure it to run MPOS,  You need to enable Support offline functionality from the register level and on store-level ensure that offline profile is selected. After running the appropriate jobs, offline functionality should work with MPOS in case the internet connection goes out.

The offline mode should kick in automatically when the connection with retail HQ or internet goes out.

Microsoft has extended this functionality by making an improvement to it. Now you have the ability to switch to offline manually prior to signing in to MPOS.  To do this you need to go to an offline profile and enable allow a manual switch to offline

Run Register, Channel Configuration and Offline database configuration jobs.

Now open the MPOS App and click on the Hamburger icon at the top left of the screen and go to settings

Here you get an option to switch to the offline mode if you want to work offline. The advantage of having this manual mode is that if you don’t have to wait for MPOS to decide whether to switch to the offline mode or not. Hence your time is saved. You can make that decision and proceed with offline or online mode.

Hope this helps!

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