How to: Create a Bot using Power Virtual Agents - CloudFronts

How to: Create a Bot using Power Virtual Agents

Introduction : Power Virtual Agents help us build simple and easy bots which can be integrated with websites, Microsoft teams, etc.
Here are the steps to create a bot using PVA.

    1. Login to your environment in
    2. The pop up for create new bot will be visible, name the bot and create.
    3. Go to Topics
    4. Follow the numbers sequence in the below screenshot for the steps.
    5. After you click go to Authoring canvas, you can add messages, actions or call flows.
    6. This is where you write the responses and actions of your BOT, Topic Checker displays errors if any.
    7. You can test the Bot by clicking on “Test Your bot”, left bottom of the browser.You can check the working and update the bot topic  while testing by enabling the “Track between topics”.

Conclusion: Publish the bot and click on demo website to the actual working of your Bot

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