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Connect Azure Databricks to Power BI

Open Power BI and Click on Get Data and Search for Azure Databricks and click on connect.  It will ask for below details,  Server Hostname  HTTP Path    Now we will see, how to get above details,  Go to Azure Databricks and click on Clusters  Once clusters is opened the go to Advanced setting > JDBC/ODBC. … Continue reading Connect Azure Databricks to Power BI

Create Linked Service with Salesforce in Azure Data Factory

Pre-requisite: Salesforce Account (In this case we are having Developer trial license) Azure Data Factory in Azure. Steps To create linked service for Salesforce in Azure Data Factory we need username, password and secret key. The username and password is the same credential we use for login in Salesforce and we can create secret key … Continue reading Create Linked Service with Salesforce in Azure Data Factory

Triggering Azure Pipeline from on premise SQL Server

In this blog, we are going to Trigger ADF Pipeline whenever there is insert or update operation is performed on on-premise SQL Server. Steps: Create ADF Pipeline.In this case we have already created Pipeline. And below is Dataflow. Create PowerShell Script (for Authentication and Triggering Pipeline).Below is the code for authentication and triggering of Pipeline, … Continue reading Triggering Azure Pipeline from on premise SQL Server

Creating Azure Data Factory

Login to azure portal, click on create a resource>Analytics>Data Factory Enter the required details and data factory gets created, enable git option will prompt to enter the git repository details which can later be used for CI/CD. In this way we can create Azure Data factory.

Creating Azure blob container

Azure blob container is a service for storing large amount of unstructured object data, text files or binary. We can publicly expose or can use blob storage privately. Below are the steps to create Azure blob container: Go to Storage account, select storage account (In this case cloudstorage123) > overview and click on containers. When … Continue reading Creating Azure blob container

Incremental refresh in Azure Data Factory

In this article we are going to do Incremental refresh for Account entity from Dynamics 365 CRM to Azure SQL. Steps: Create Linked Service for Azure SQL and Dynamics 365 CRM and create a table in Azure SQL DB Now we will create pipeline, in the pipeline we have two blocks, one is for getting … Continue reading Incremental refresh in Azure Data Factory

Connect your Azure Machine Learning Predictive Solution to Power BI

Introduction: Azure Machine Learning Studio is an amazing tool that lets us create efficient ML experiments with simple drag and drop features. We can predict anything from Flight Predictions to Churn Analysis. But what if we want to represent this predicted data a more visually appealing format? Well it is possible to do this by … Continue reading Connect your Azure Machine Learning Predictive Solution to Power BI

Commands to Create .bacpac file from Azure SQL to SQL Server

Introduction: This topic explains how to export a Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition database from an environment that is based on Microsoft Azure. Steps: 1. Create a duplicate of the source database. <“CREATE DATABASE MyNewCopy AS COPY OF axdb_mySourceDatabaseToCopy”> To monitor the progress of the copy operation, run the following query … Continue reading Commands to Create .bacpac file from Azure SQL to SQL Server

Setup custom domain and sub-domain name in Azure/GoDaddy Part -1

In this Blog we will walk-through how to add custom Domain/sub-domain in Azure web app with the help of GoDaddy. Problem Statement: We have a domain, purchased from GoDaddy and we want that it should point to website hosted on Azure. We have divided this blog in two different parts. Part 1: Add new … Continue reading Setup custom domain and sub-domain name in Azure/GoDaddy Part -1




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