How to Connect your Azure Data Factory with Github - CloudFronts

How to Connect your Azure Data Factory with Github


In order to move your Pipeline from one environment to other you require your Pipeline to be saved on Github. This Blog will guide you through how to connect your Azure Data Factory Pipeline with your Github account.

Step 1:

Create a new Azure Data Factory and Tick the Enable GIT checkbox.



Step 2:

Create a new Repository in your Github Account.



Step 3:

Copy the URL from of the newly created repository from the address bar.



Step 4:

Enter the GIT URL, the repository name which you recently created, branch name (usually master) and your root folder (usually same as your repository name) and click on Create.



Step 5:

Now you must authorize your GIT Account on ADF. You will be promoted to Login with your Github Account. Do the necessary and click on Authorize Azure Data Factory.



Step 6:

Now you must select the Working Branch. We are using the default master branch. Click Save and then you can proceed to create your Pipeline.




Each Time you publish the changes in ADF they are simultaneously stored in the GIT repository’s branch.

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