How to schedule a logic app to run on specific days and on specific time - CloudFronts

How to schedule a logic app to run on specific days and on specific time

Posted On October 17, 2021 by Aditya Somwanshi Posted in 

Hi, in this blog we will see how you can set parameters for a logic app in such a way that it will only trigger on specific days of the week and specific time of the day.


Create a azure resource logic app from the home page. Make sure to give proper tags while creating a resource. Select a recurrence type for the logic app trigger.

Step 2:

Select frequency as weeks and add following parameters.

Step 4:

Since I wanted to trigger the logic app on week days that is Monday to Friday and at 7:30 am. I have added the data in following way.

In this way you can set a trigger for logic apps.

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