ScanPayGo by LS Retail
The current Retail process supported by LS Central is simply for the customers to collect the items and bring them to the POS for completing the transaction.
LS Retail aims to change this process with the introduction of their new product ScanPayGo.
Using this app customers will be able to select the items to be purchased directly from within the app or by scanning the barcode on the item, manage or share multiple shopping lists , pay directly from within the app or pay at the POS by simply scanning one QR code instead of all the items as was done previously. It also allows paying using loyalty points if sufficient points are available.
As a security feature the app has random checks in which after a transaction the customer has to confirm with a Staff member to verify the purchased items.
It maintains a purchase history so that repeated transactions need not be scanned repeatedly.
It help customers find the closest Store by providing a list of all the available Store ordered by the closest Store.
It also displays the current available offers in the Store.
All of which adds on to the seamless retail experience with minimal interaction.
Retailers can customize the color scheme and logo of the app however they wish.
Retailers can also offer personalized ads to Users using ScanPayGo!
This application is going to be available for both Android and iOS.