Fixed Assets - Books (Microsoft Dynamics 365 Operations versions 1611) - CloudFronts

Fixed Assets – Books (Microsoft Dynamics 365 Operations versions 1611)

There were value models and depreciation books valuation concept for fixed assets in earlier releases. Value models and depreciation books functionality have been combined into a single platform that is known as a Books. This is new in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Operations version 1611.

Value Models and Depreciation Books (earlier versions):

Books (Microsoft Dynamics 365 Operations version 1611)

Value Models:
Value Models are important for fixed assets. Value Models are used to track financial values of fixed assets like accounting acquisition, depreciation, adjustment, net book value, revaluation, disposal sales, disposal scarp etc. In short, useful to get fixed assets financial information.

Depreciation Books:
Depreciation books are used to post depreciation that does not affect the General ledger.

Books (Microsoft Dynamics 365 Operations version 1611):
Books are useful to post depreciation that does not affect General ledger or useful to track financial information of fixed assets.

Books have a new Post to general ledger option. If enable  it behaves as Value Model and if disable this option then it behaves as Depreciation books.

Below is setup comparison between Depreciation Books, Value Models and Books.


Books is simplified combine functionality of Value models and Depreciation books. You can track financial information or use to post depreciation without affect the General ledger by using Books.

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