Model Import/Export in Dynamics 365 Operations - CloudFronts

Model Import/Export in Dynamics 365 Operations

In this blog article, we will see how we can export model in a model file, then import model file in development environment and delete existing model in development environment.


  1. D3fO Environments.


  1. Export Model in a Model File.
  2. Import Model File.
  3. Resolve Conflicts.
  4. Build and Synchronize Model.

Export Model
To export a model in a model file, use the ModelUtil.exe tool which is located in j:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin and the -export directive.

ModelUtil.exe -export -metadatastorepath= [path of the metadata store] -modelname=[name of the model to export] -outputpath=[path of folder where model file should be saved]


Import Model
To install a model file in development Environment, use the ModelUtil.exe tool and the -import directive.

ModelUtil.exe -import -metadatastorepath=[path of the metadata store where model should be imported] -file=[full path of the file to import]


If the model already exists in Development Environment, then first delete the model using ModelUtil.exe tool and -delete directive.

ModelUtil.exe -delete -metadatastorepath=[path of the metadata store] -modelname=[name of the model to delete]


Resolve Conflicts
If the model you installed has customizations in higher layer, you need to resolve code or metadata conflicts.

Under Dynamics 365 -> Addins -> select Create Project from Conflicts.

  1. In dialog box, select the model you installed, to check for conflicts.
  2. Click Create Project.
  3. New Project is created with elements having conflicts. Resolve the conflicts.

Build and Synchronize
Build the Model and Synchronize the Database.

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