How to Fix the error ‘’isGlobal information provided True doesn’t match the value stored in DB False.” in D365 CRM. - CloudFronts

How to Fix the error ‘’isGlobal information provided True doesn’t match the value stored in DB False.” in D365 CRM.

Each time I attempt to export a solution from the source environment to another environment, I receive the following notification “isGlobal information provided True doesn’t match the value stored in DB False.” As a result, importing the solution into the destination environment becomes challenging for the individual.

Whenever this kind of error appears, it has to do something with the fields on the form. This happens when you mistakenly make changes in the Production environment instead of making changes in the Developer environment or Vica Versa.

Normally, the procedure is to make changes (e.g., Adding fields or any other customizations) in the Developer Environment and then export those changes to the Production Environment. Once those changes are imported into the Production environment, after cross-checking you realize many more fields are to be added. So we started to create and add fields in the Production environment instead of the Dev environment and that is how a mismatch of errors occurs with Fields and thus it gets difficult to export/import a solution in other environments.  

To avoid this error, below is the blog you can refer to.

Step 1: Log in to Power Apps using your credentials. Try to check both your source environment as well as Destination Environment.

Step 2: In order to check the same, Go to Solutions and click on Default Solutions.

Step 3: Go onto the table/Entity in which you are currently working. In my case, My table/Entity is Students.

Step 4: Try to check the latest field which you have added. In my case, the name of the field is Courses Offered.

Step 5: Click on Edit table column.

Step 6: As you can see, my Destination environment (Production Environment) consists of the below field (Courses Offered), which is a Global option set Field.

Step 7: Whereas my Source Environment (Developer Environment) has the same field name called “Courses Offered” which is an ‘Option Set field’. So, Delete the old option set field from this environment and try again to import this solution to the other environment.

Step 8: The Difference between a Global option Set and a normal Option Set is that a global option set can be used globally for all entities/tables. But an option set field can only be used for that specific table. For eg If my entity/table name is “Students”. I can only use my option set for that specific entity.

Step 9: In order to avoid the error, download that error log and try to open it via Excel and try to rectify all the fields from that Excel sheet via both environments.

We hope you found this article useful, and if you would like to discuss anything, you can reach out to us at [email protected]

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