Add Tooltip for Column Headers in Power BI: A Step-by-Step Guide
Tooltips are a powerful feature in Power BI, offering additional context and information for visuals. However, tooltips are not natively supported for column headers in Power BI. This means users cannot view detailed information about column headers directly. Fortunately, there’s a workaround to address this limitation, which we’ll explore in this blog post.
The method we are going to use is the Action buttons. We will add an action button to column headers, and the action button will have a tooltip that shows header details. Please find a step-by-step guide for the same –
1. First, we need to insert a button. Here I have used a blank button since I want to show the tooltip when the user hovers through a particular column area, but you can use any of the buttons based on your choice.
2. Now, go to the button visual settings, turn on the action button, set the type to bookmark with None as an option, and specify the tooltip.
In this blog post, we discussed adding tooltips to the column headers to give users more context. we hope you found this blog post helpful! If you have any questions or want to discuss further, please contact us at