Power BI Tiles Embedded in Dynamics 365 Dashboards - CloudFronts

Power BI Tiles Embedded in Dynamics 365 Dashboards

Posted On September 18, 2017 by Admin Posted in 


In this article, we are going to learn how to embed Power BI Tiles in your Dynamics 365 / CRM Dashboards.


  1. Sign-in to Microsoft Dynamics 365 as a user with the system administrator security role
  2. Go to Settings > Administration > System Settings.
  3. On the Reporting tab in the Allow Power BI visualization embedding option, select Yes to enable or No to disable.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Create Dashboards in Power BI and publish it.
  6. Then Create or edit a Dashboard in CRM. And insert Power BI Tile in TAB.
  7. Select a Power BI dashboard and a tile.
  8. Complete the dashboard, Save, and close.

You are all set!

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