ADF’s Mapping Data flows – How do you get matched rows from the two data sources using Inner Joins? - CloudFronts

ADF’s Mapping Data flows – How do you get matched rows from the two data sources using Inner Joins?

Posted On March 23, 2021 by Sandip Patel Posted in  Tagged in

In this blog, we will learn how to get matched rows from the two data sources using inner join in ADF’s Mapping Data flows step by step.

Step 1: Add a data flow activity and name as “InnerJoin_Test”, in the settings tab add a new data flow. Select the Source Settings tab, add a source transformation, and connect it to one of your datasets.

Step 2: In the Data preview tab you can see your data.

Step 3: Add another source and name “Employee2”, in the source settings tab connect it to one of your datasets.

Step 4: In the Data preview tab you can see your data.

Step 5: Add a Join transformation, named “InneJoin”. The Join transform will allow you to join 2 Data flow. In the Join settings tab set left the stream and right stream and select join type as inner. Apply to join conditions on the unique field, in this demo I pick up “Emp Id” as a join condition.

Step 6: In the Data preview tab you can see the matched rows result, that’s all you need to do to get matched rows in two data sources.

Hope this will help.

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