Deployment of Power BI reports to Sandbox and Production - CloudFronts

Deployment of Power BI reports to Sandbox and Production


Deployment of Power BI to Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations is done by Embedded Power BI in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.

Configurations of Power BI in operations:

Configure your LCS project within Dynamics 365 for Operations

  • Navigate to System Administration –> System Parameters –>Go to Help Tab

  • Here you will be asked to Connect to Life Cycle services. This operation is mandatory, it enables Dynamics 365 for Operations to established a trusted connection to LCS using your user credentials.
  • Click on “Click here to connect to Lifecycle Services”

  • On successful connection, you will be able to choose a set of LCS projects from the drop down menu. Select the LCS project

Enable Power BI:

Register Dynamics 365 for Operations deployment as an web app.

1. Login to you Power BI account

2. There are some fields we need to fill in:

  1. AppName (e.g. “D365PBI”)
  2. AppType (Server-side Web app)
  3. Redirect URI (this will be your instance URL with “oauth” at the end. E.g
  4. Home Page URL (This will be your instance URL. E.g

3. Choose APIs to access

4. Then hit “Register App”. This will generate a Client ID and a Client Secret which we are going to input inside D365.

5. Keep this window open, we need to copy paste the keys into D365.

Deploy Power BI Files:

  • Navigate to System Administrator –>Deploy Power BI Files .Click on Deploy Power BI Files
  • Here you will be asked to Authorize Power BI, Click on Authorize Power BI.
  • Click on Deploy Power BI Files

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