Create Approval Flow with D365 conection - CloudFronts

Create Approval Flow with D365 conection

Posted On June 12, 2018 by Admin Posted in  Tagged in


This blog explains how to Create Approval Flow using Microsoft Flows. 

Use Case:

When work order is updated. (Trigger)

Check condition:  system status: – open-completed and approved: -NO

If condition satisfied: –

Check Total amount: –

If amount is greater than 1000
      approval mail will be sent to approver.
      if he approves:
      update the work order with system status value closed-posted.
      else do nothing.

update the work order with system status value closed-posted.

Else do nothing.

Steps to be followed:

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft flow.
  2. Go to My flows –> create from blank
  3. Select Dynamics 365 when a record is updated
  4. Select the Organization Name and Entity Name for which you want to create flow.
  5. Click on + New step –> Add a condition.
  6. So here I want my flow should run when system status is open-completed and approved is NO. (Add your own conditions).     
  7.  Condition:@and(equals(triggerBody()?[‘msdyn_systemstatus’], 690970003),equals(triggerBody()?[‘cf_approved’], false)


  8.  Go to Yes. Click on …More –> add a conditionCondition is: Total amount is greater than 1000.
  9. Go to yes.
    •  Add Action.
    • Select Approvals –> Start an approval action.
  10. Enter details.In Assigned to enter the email address of the approval.
  11.  Go to No. configure for amount is not greater than 1000.
    • Click on Add an action. –> select Dynamics 365 – update a record.
    • Enter the details.
    • Enter the details
    • Record identifier: Enter the record identifier of Work Order from when a record is updated step.
    • Set the system status value to: 690970004
  12. Add condition in Yes and check the approval status.
  13. On Yes. Select Add an action à Dynamics 365 – Update a record
  14. Enter the detailsRecord identifier: Enter the record identifier of Work Order from when a record is updated step.Set the system status value to: 690970004

Complete Flow:

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