Creating Learning Path for Dynamics 365 - CloudFronts

Creating Learning Path for Dynamics 365

Posted On September 22, 2017 by Admin Posted in 


This blog explains how to add learning path to your solution.


Dynamics 365 (online – latest version, or Dec 2016 update installed).

Steps to be followed:

  1. Steps for enabling learning path
  2. Steps for adding users to Learning Path Authors
  3. Creating Learning Path content
  4. Stpes to create Guided Task
  5. Steps to create Sidebar

1. Steps for enabling learning path:

  1. Opt-in to Learning path by going to Settings->Administration->System settings (under General tab).
  2. Select Yes for Enable Learning Path and Enable Learning Path Authoring. Confirm that Use Custom Help for customizable entities and Append parameters to URL are set to No.
  3. OK.

2. Steps for adding users to Learning Path Authors:

  1. Go to Admin Portal.
  2. In Admin center Groups->Learning Path Authors security group.
  3. Click Edit in the Owner row to add owner of the group.
  4. Click + Add Owner, and then select the user from list or search for the user(s).
  5. Click Edit in the Members row to add users to the group.
  6. Click + Add members, and then select the user from list or search for the user(s) you want to add to the group.
  7. Save and close.

3. Steps for Creating Learning Path content:

  1. Go to help.
  2. Click on content library button
  3. Content Library will open.
  4. There are two types of learning path content:
    • Guided Task: Interactive “bubbles” which form a sequence to provide help or guide users on specific tasks.
    • Sidebar: Vertically formatted help content, which is initially shown as a “table of content” with items that the user can expand, revealing relevant webpages, videos, or links to existing guided paths content in Dynamics 365.

4. Steps to create Guided Task:

  1. Click on + Guided Task to create a new Guided Task.
  2. Fill Details.
  3. Save.
  4. Click on + Add New Steps to add steps to your Guided Task.
    • Step with Next Button: This step has a Next button that can be used to navigate to the next step in the flow.
    • Step with User action: This step does not have a Next button. The user is prompted to click the UI element on which the step is pinned.
    • User action with Next Button: This step does have a Next button. Clicking the Next button has the same effect as clicking the UI element on which the step is pinned.
    • Learning Step: This step can only be at the end of a guided task flow.
  5. Drag and drop the step where you want.
    • Give step title.
    • Click on content type to add content it can be text or video.
    • Save.
  6. Repeat step number 5 until all steps are added.
  7. Click on Preview to see how it will work before publishing.
  8. Click on publish select your publishing environment.

Output of Guided Task:

5. Steps to create Sidebar

  1. Click on + Sidebar to create a new Sidebar.
  2. Fill Details.
  3. Save.
  4. Select the section and add what type of content you want to add in that.
  5. Repeat step number 4 to add more sections to sidebar.
  6. Click on Preview to see how it will look.
  7. Click on publish select your publishing environment.

  8. Output of Sidebar:


    Using learning path newly created  users can easily navigate through the system with ease. It provides basic guidance to the users.

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