Default Teams of other Business Unit can’t be added - CloudFronts

Default Teams of other Business Unit can’t be added

I would like to share a consideration I take while designing Teams that you might need to make certain records shareable. I faced an issue once when users started to use Default Teams created on Business Units.

And after several months, it occurred that some users from other Business Units too needed to be on that Team. And several records were already assigned to BU provided Default Teams.


  1. Priyesh belongs to Southeast Asia BU and Somesh belongs to North America BU.
  2. Some records were assigned to North America team which is the Default Team created by BU.
  3. Priyesh wanted to be in the North America team and hence the user tried to add him in that Team.

    So adding North America to Teams under the user Priyesh, but I get the below error –

    That is because you cannot add Default Teams to users in some other BUs.

    As a workaround, I only created a new Team and named it “<BU Name> – Shareable” team and assigned records to this team so that I know where I want the records to be visible as per my Security Roles setup.

    And hence, added the North America – Shared team for Priyesh.

I would also like to hear your suggestions and any workarounds you may have. Thanks! 😊


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