Get RSS Notifications to phone for important blog posts using Power Automate - CloudFronts

Get RSS Notifications to phone for important blog posts using Power Automate

Posted On March 13, 2020 by Priyesh Wagh Posted in 

RSS is powerful and taming it wisely really helps! 🙂 Here’s an example where I used it to get a notification whenever a new blog was posted by Microsoft in their Dynamics 365 Blog page. It is my attempt to stay updated on the latest posts so that I don’t miss anything.


  1. Let’s say, for example, this is the website I want to read RSS feeds from. So click on the RSS icon –
  2. Copy the URL from the Feed page

Build your Power Automate

  1. Start by building your Power Automate, you can select the Trigger as RSS.
  2. Paste the URL copied from your RSS source above, and then add a step to send a Notification. You can have anything here, it’s up to your use case of what you want to do with the Power Automate further on.

Getting RSS Feeds on Phone using Power Automate

Now, once all this is set, here’s how I’ll get notifications on the phone once I have Power Automate setup and authenticated to the correct environment of Power Automate.

  1. Whenever there’s a new blog posted on, I get a Power Automate notification on the phone like this
  2. And when you click on it, you’ll see what has been posted, it will open up in the Power Automate app
  3. And when you click on the link, it will take you to the actual blog Post


Hope this helps you in your application or use case! Cheers!!


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