Using For Each Loop in SSIS for Invoice Integration from SQL Server to Microsoft D365 Sales Using KingswaySoft Connector for CRM: Part 2 - CloudFronts

Using For Each Loop in SSIS for Invoice Integration from SQL Server to Microsoft D365 Sales Using KingswaySoft Connector for CRM: Part 2

Phase 2/4:

SSIS Integration Map for Invoice Header from SQL Server to Microsoft CRM:

The Map after Completion will look as follows.

Step 1:

Add an OLEDB Source and configure it as follows:

Click on Parameters and configure it as follows:

Step 2:

Add a derived column transformation to specify the Customer Type i.e 2 which indicates that Customer type is an Account.

Also, we will map the Invoice Number to name, so we will create a copy of it.

There is a single PriceList for all Invoices in my case so I have hardcoding for Lookup Purpose.

Step 3:

Add a CRM destination Block and configure it as follows:

We will use Upsert Criteria specified on Invoice Number for Integration. The fields mapped are as following.

Step 4:

Add the remaining blocks for Custom Error Handling as explained in the Blog in Link:


This is the second part of the 4 part blog series.

Part 1/4: Using FOR EACH Loop with KingswaySoft Connector for CRM Invoice Integration.

Part 2/4: SSIS Integration Map for Invoice Header from SQL Server to Microsoft CRM.

Part 3/4: SSIS Integration Map for Invoice Details from SQL Server to Microsoft CRM.

Part 4/4: Delete Logic for Invoice in case of Incomplete Integration of Invoice details Logic.


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