Gain Business Insights faster by generating Power BI Reports quickly with just 1 click in Dataverse

Hi All,

I’m going to show a useful feature that you can leverage to view and create instant Power BI visuals that is generated automatically based on the current view.

Documentation Link

Just an example: How it looks

Steps to achieve this:

Step 1: You need to enable this feature in Model-Driven App itself

Edit Model-Driven App -> Settings -> Features -> ‘Enable Power BI quick report visualization on a table‘. Save and publish the settings

Note: You also need ‘TDS endpoint‘ enabled in the environment feature settings

Step 2: Refresh your browser and navigate to any table records view ( I took cases in the example)

Step 3: Click the ‘Visualize this view‘ button on the command bar

Note: You need to add the necessary columns in the current view if you want to show those columns in Power BI Reports

Step 4: You can now see the Report generated automatically within a few mins.

Auto-Generated Power BI Tiles based on the column selected in the right panel

You can save these Reports if all necessary information is displayed here.

Hope this helped you get faster Business Insights with auto-generated Power BI visuals.

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