Pagination in SSRS Report - CloudFronts

Pagination in SSRS Report

Posted On December 27, 2016 by Admin Posted in 

This blog explains how to set Pagination with fixed number of rows per page with table headers repeated on every page of SSRS report.


  1. Insert a Tablix on report and set table Headers.
  2. Set Row Data for Tablix
  3. Create a “Parent Group” on Tablix by Expression as below

    Note: We have set number of records per page as 10 in Ceiling Function.

  4. Open Group Properties of “Group1” and change Page Breaks settings as below
  5. Delete existing Sorting settings of Group as highlighted and click “OK”
  6. Delete Column with header “Group1” with option “Delete columns only” from Tablix
  7. Set below Data Expression in SR.No. column of Tablix
  8. Run Report and it renders as below


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