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Create Custom Recommendation on Form within Canvas Power Apps

Hello, everyone! We know that Recommendations are created using Business Rules, but that only works on Model Driven Apps. As a result, we’ll develop Custom Recommendations that are flexible and customizable to our needs and enhance our App. This is how the Custom Recommendation looks, Let’s start with a simple use case, I want to … Continue reading Create Custom Recommendation on Form within Canvas Power Apps

How to personalize Password field based on strict Regular Expression (RegEx) formulas in Canvas PowerApps

Hello,In this blog, I’ll show you how to personalize Input Password field with various requirements using strict regular expression in Canvas PowerApp. Now, validation part comes in using RegEx. Let’s say you have a requirement where,1. Password length should be equal or greater than 8.2. Password should contain at least 1 number.3. Password should contain … Continue reading How to personalize Password field based on strict Regular Expression (RegEx) formulas in Canvas PowerApps




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