Tag Archives: canvas power apps
How to create Dynamic Option-set/List based on value from other fields in Canvas PowerApps
Hi Everyone, Consider a scenario where we want to filter out a dropdown/combo-box choice field based on value in other field or dropdown.Since we cannot use scripts in Canvas App, here’s how we can show specific choice based on multiple values For this example, I’ve considered a bunch of basic items belonging to Fruits, Vegetables … Continue reading How to create Dynamic Option-set/List based on value from other fields in Canvas PowerApps
Create Custom Recommendation on Form within Canvas Power Apps
Hello, everyone! We know that Recommendations are created using Business Rules, but that only works on Model Driven Apps. As a result, we’ll develop Custom Recommendations that are flexible and customizable to our needs and enhance our App. This is how the Custom Recommendation looks, Let’s start with a simple use case, I want to … Continue reading Create Custom Recommendation on Form within Canvas Power Apps
Create a Custom Real-time Loader Control in Canvas PowerApps
In Canvas PowerApps, we usually show an image that lies over the screen until an execution is completed. But tracking real-time update might be confusing. I’ll show you a simple custom loading control that not only show execution status but also look good and is highly customizable. Here’s a preview how it will look (Note: … Continue reading Create a Custom Real-time Loader Control in Canvas PowerApps
Get Count of records from Common Data Service Connector in Canvas Power App
Like in Dynamics 365, you see a total number of records under a view. And you want similar in a Canvas PowerApp too. Here’s a simple tip to do so – CountRows() method It’s pretty simple. Using CountRows(source) method, you can get the count of records in the Source. In this case, it’s the CDS … Continue reading Get Count of records from Common Data Service Connector in Canvas Power App