Quick Tip – Duplicate Fields from a Table to another Table

Consider a scenario where we need to have a table (entity) which is a replica of other table or you need some fields replicated into another table. This tool will save a lot of precious time.

Let’s say I have a table called ‘Scoping’ and I want fields from that data replicated into another table called ‘ScopingClone’.

Steps you’ll take to do this in a time-efficient manner.

Step 1: Create a new Table/Entity. (In my case, I created ScopingClone)

Step 2: Navigate to XrmToolBox and install ‘Clone Field Definitions‘, connect to your environment and open the tool.

Step 3: Select Source and Target Table/Entity. Select fields as required.

Note: If you have different publisher, then you can change prefix for the fields. Make sure you mark the checkbox as checked.

As you can see, the fields that I selected are successfully cloned.

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